Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Tinkling cymbals

Care not for yesterday
and the troubles once known.
But rise to meet today
and spring to life tomorrow.

For joy promised
is joy received
when hearts are open
and souls throw caution to the wind.

Give because
giving brings countless degrees
of knowledge and fills
coffers that sputter and wane.

Listen to the sounding brass
of time and scope
the shore for
a footprint you recognize.

Catch your breath
and hold it close
for catching shows you can
and releasing brings another chance.

Skip when possible
and whistle while merry.
Away the time that once
stood still.

Global in view,
precise in response,
hesitation is lost
as lines fade and walls
of fear crumble
to a waiting earth
where beauty grows
and fields of green

Hungry no more,
in harmony
with the music and stories
of gallant men
and brave women.
To life...

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